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Hollywood Park Selections
Friday Jul-08
Welcome to the free race of the day by Case The Race for Hollywood Park on Friday Jul-08! Today we are featuring Race 1.

Below is our free handicapping report with selections for Race 1 at Hollywood Park race track from the CASE system and our Member pool. On weekends we also feature free handicapper selections and analysis.


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Handicapping Report

01     RACE 01 - HOLLYWOOD PARK    Jul 08, 2011  

CASE Selections
Horse NameRank 
Holy Flapper100.00  
Van Brit99.81  
Sleep Tight99.62  
El Nadia (NZ)99.10  
Initial Impression98.75  

You should always consult an Official Race Program for official program numbers.

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Handicapper Selections
Below are free selections (picks) offerred by professional handicappers. To learn more about the handicapper click their name.

  Selections Analysis
Toby Turrell Holy Flapper
Van Brit
El Nadia (NZ)


Member Selections
Below are the percentages of Members who prefer the shown selection.

Updated Jul-08   07:00 PM PST

Holy Flapper 35.7%
Handicapping selections - Holy Flapper
El Nadia (NZ) 22.1%
Handicapping selections - El Nadia (NZ)
Van Brit 21.4%
Handicapping selections - Van Brit
Sleep Tight 12.1%
Handicapping selections - Sleep Tight
Initial Impression 8.6%
Handicapping selections - Initial Impression

Comments:   Hollywood Park on Friday Jul-08 Race 1

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This race closes at 06:50 PM PST on Friday Jul-08. Our last update shows post time at 07:05 PM PST.

You can change your selection anytime before this race closes.

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